Site Brief

Welcome to Lleweni Parc airfield. We do hope you will have a very enjoyable time here.   Some points to bear in mind:


  • Essentially the field is valuable grassland, tended by a farmer for his nearby farm. Our operations take place only from the hardstandings and the Runway.  Therefore please take special care to KEEP OFF THE GRASS !
  • There are various possibilities for camping and caravanning on site.  Please ask for the current locations.
  • Gliders and trailers may be parked at the east end trailer park.  Please take the trailers as far forward as possible. This leaves room for rigging behind the trailers, with still sufficient room for gliders to manoeuvre behind on to the three “marshalling tracks” at right angles to runway 27.   When operating from runway 09 please park and marshal your glider on the five hardstandings provided at the west end of the runway.   Please Park Cars at the clubhouse and hangar and elsewhere such that a glider wingspan may always pass behind you without impedance. For 27 Ops, there is a car park to the side of the East Hangar.
  • RUBBISH:  We have suffered greatly with rubbish in the past.  Please dispose of your rubbish properly and help to keep Lleweni Parc as attractive as we like it to be.


Pilots at Lleweni Parc are under the control of Chris Gill, our Chief Flying Instructor. We suggest an experience level of Silver ‘C’ as a minimum for visiting pilots, but this is all under the CFI’s discretion. We can offer instruction to bring you up to the desired ability threshold.

  • Briefings are usually held at 09:30, please ensure you are there if you want to fly on that day
  • Make sure you fill in the relevant paperwork to cover insurance and understanding of the site brief/ops before you fly
  • Please keep your speed down on the perimeter tracks (25mph), and park your trailer in line as close to the woods as you can. This will give you space to rig whilst allowing other gliders to pass behind you, to and from the launch point.
  • The crown in the airfield means that we cannot see the beacon on the winch from the launch point.  Please treat cables with even more caution than usual.
  • When you are ready to fly please position your glider on one of the “marshalling tracks”.  These are used for final preparation, so that you can be positioned on the runway and immediately launched with minimum obstruction to the runway (All operations take place from the hard runway (09/27).  Please KEEP OFF THE GRASS!  This is a valuable resource for the farmer with whom we have good relations. Bear in mind that depending on recent weather conditions, it may not always be a safe surface.
  • RADIO frequency is 129.060:  Call “Denbigh traffic” or “Denbigh Base” as appropriate. The winch is controlled on this frequency, and all other Denbigh aircraft will be on frequency when in the immediate area. We must eliminate conflicts on our only runway and all aircraft/vehicles must be equipped with a working radio prior to entering the runway. It is essential that you monitor the frequency and broadcast your intentions
    • Prior to entering the runway (taxi, towout, launch, recovery, etc.)
    • Before rejoining circuit (5 minute call)
    • Before landing (downwind call)
  • To keep this frequency clear for circuit traffic, please pass all soaring messages on 130.105 or one of the other cross country frequencies.
  • Winch launch procedure: Check weak link. Check with wing man all clear above and behind then you command the winchman thus: “Denbigh winch, DDT, Duo Discus, two up, Take up slack” (there is no need to specify which cable as we are always obliged to use the north cable first). Think carefully about your proficiency and currency at winch launching. In particular consider the actions you will take in case of winch failure: Call “More Speed” or “SLOWER” or wave off. Lleweni is not as large as some generously proportioned sites, but there is a safe landing option from any height, or situation, of failed launch. Although we are operating only from the runway, an emergency can dictate that the grass is used. Please tread back down any ruts that you may create – to be fair to the farmer.
  •  You will of course be flying with an up to date map and electronic aids showing controlled airspace.  Be particularly aware of the way that PEPZE airway “encroaches” into the vale south of the site: Its western boundary is not parallel to the ridge!  This is important when you are traversing up and down the wave, which typically is aligned with the valley.   You will have made yourself aware of all relevant NOTAMS.
  • Whatever you get up to on your flight you must return with sufficient height for a circuit (Southerly circuit).   Straight in approaches are not encouraged.
  • You must roll to the far end of the runway.   This is obviously to permit all those behind you to have space to do the same.
  • If you are unfortunate enough to land out please be aware of our good relationships with the local farmers and do all you can to strengthen them. In particular you will, no doubt, not forget the customary bottle of thanks to the farmer.
  • Please put any rock wheel chocks etc. you have used for your trailer at the side of the car park against the woods. Please take your rubbish home.


Please see this video to see the full length of the ridge from a Winch Launch- Soaring Denbighs Ridge – YouTube

Please see this video on how to soar our complex ridge safely- Staying safe on Denbigh’s Ridge – YouTube

Please see this guidance from the BGA on ridge and mountain soaring-

Denbigh Gliding is a trading name of Lleweni Parc Limited. Registered in England and Wales under company number 02611351 | Site by Fisher INC